Article paywall blocks

Details on article paywall blocks and what you can do to address them

Updated over a week ago

At Zinc, we do our best to identify quality online content from a diverse range of sources. We are aware that a few publications that appear on Zinc place limits on monthly unpaid article views. We respect the rights of digital content producers and are currently unable to offer unlimited access to sites that have paywalls. 

We suggest that schools purchase subscriptions to sites with paywalls. We are actively exploring other solutions, as well.

We try to keep up to date with article paywall warnings, but sometimes publications change their policies without us knowing. Please let us know if you come upon an article on Zinc that is missing the paywall warning.

Note: articles that are likely to be behind paywalls are not included in Lift Off.

If you are facing continued issues with accessing articles, get in touch at

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