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Reading Sprint Report

Track Class Progress on Reading Sprints

Updated this week

If you like Sprints, we think you'll love Lift Off, our new four-week, choice-based reading journey that combines the best of Reading Sprints with the motivational elements students love. Reading Sprints will be phased out in summer 2024.


The new Reading Sprint Report gives teachers an easy way to grade students' Reading Sprint work while tracking their progress. To view which articles, vocabulary sets, and Close Reading Experiences each student has been assigned, simply click the green "View Progress" link.

Please note that the first time a student is assigned a Reading Sprint, they will be prompted to complete an introductory lesson on Romeo and Juliet. This foundational experience will help them get the hang of Zinc-ing. Completing this first activity will not be shown in the progress for the Sprint assigned to them.

Where to find it

You'll find the New Reading Sprint Report on the Reading Sprints page. To access a class's Reading Sprint Report, click the green "View Progress" link.

How to use it

Use the green tabs ("Overall," "Week 1," "Week 6," etc.) to navigate the report.

  • Overview: see students' Pre- and Post-Sprint Level Placement results, their average scores on Close Reading and Articles so far, and their overall completion rates

  • Pre-Level Placement: See who has yet to complete their Level Placement or if the Reading Sprint is using the student's most recent Level Placement level to assign activities. You'll also be able to check completion dates and levels earned.

  • Week 1-3 or Week 1-6: Track completion of weekly assignments and view scores. Click "View Progress" to see the titles of the Close Readings and articles each student is assigned over the course of the Sprint.

  • Post-Level Placement: See who has completed the Post-Sprint Level Placement, when they finished, and if their reading level changed during the course of the Reading Sprint.

Note: The partially-filled circle icon indicates an assignment that is in progress, but not yet complete.

Individual Sprint Report

During a Reading Sprint, students work on activities on their own level. This means that different students in the same class may be working on different activities. To view which articles and Close Readings each student in your class is working on, click the green "View Progress" link.

To view individual activity reports for score breakdowns, click "Report."

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