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Types of vocabulary sets
Types of vocabulary sets

Learn more about the different types of vocabulary sets and how to create your own!

Updated over a week ago

There are three main different types of vocabulary sets:

  1. Zinc article vocabulary sets that are created to supplement the articles on Zinc

  2. Category-based vocabulary sets that allow you to search for sets by category type or title

  3. Custom-made sets by teachers

See below for more details on each type.

Zinc article vocabulary sets

  • 10-word decks of the most challenging words in the article 

  • Designed to provide scaffolding for article comprehension

  • Students play the words in these decks just once, rather than the six times they see words in the other types of sets

Category-based vocabulary sets

  • Grade level vocabulary sets

  • Novel/literary

  • Curriculum support (SpringBoard, Core Ready)

  • ELL and support

  • Spanish language ELL

  • Subject area (including U.S. History, Global History, AP Computer Science, Biology)

  • Test prep (including Power SAT/ACT sets)

  • ...and more!

A few to highlight:

Custom-made vocabulary sets

Create your own vocabulary set!

To create a customized deck, click on the Vocabulary tab and find the Create New Set button. 

You will need to enter some basic information about the set before you can add words, including a title, grade levels, category, description, and image to identify the set.

Choose whether you want to paste in text for Zinc’s system to pull words from or simply type in the words you want.

When you paste in a text, we put the highest priority words first until we reach 50 words total. If you’re not getting all of the words you want from your text, you may want to try pasting in a shorter section. Our system knows over 6,000 words, so most of the ones you’re looking for should come up!

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