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Teacher Reports

Use our Reports feature to track your students' success in Zinc!

Updated over a week ago

Zinc offers in-depth reports for your classes and individual students. These reports allow you to track details like current and past assignments, student growth over time, and even how your classes perform with specific reading skills. With the Activity Progress Report, you can see how an entire class is progressing, even if the assignments were given at different times by different teachers.

How to Reach the Reports Page

We offer many specialized reports, so please use the table of contents to the right to jump to detailed information about the report you need. To reach the Reports page, click “View Classes & Reports” in the top menu on your Zinc homepage and then click “Reports.” On the Reports page, teachers have access to full Class Reports and individual Student Reports.

If you're signed into Zinc, here's a direct link to the Reports page.

Class Reports

The Class Reports section includes all of Zinc’s reports that cover an entire class. You can quickly find all the information you need about assignments, performance, and growth. Whether you make assignments for entire classes or individual students, Class Reports keep track of all those details in one place.

For each option under Class Reports, select the class you’d like to view from from the dropdown menu. For the Activity Progress Report, you'll also select the activity. Then click the “Generate Report” or “Show Assignments” button to display the report for that specific class.

Please note, if you are an administrator or an Instructional Coach, you will need to type in the name of the class rather than select it from a dropdown menu. Once you have typed enough letters, you can click on the class name when it appears.

Activity Progress Report

The first report option under Class Reports is the Activity Progress Report. This report makes it easy to track an assignment for every student in a class. You'll see a student's progress on an activity whether you assigned it or not. If you have a new transfer student, or if some students received their assignments individually, you'll want to use the Activity Progress Report to save time and see everyone's progress all at once.

To view this report, select a class and activity. Then click “Generate Report.”

On the Activity Progress Report page, you will see the most recent activity for every student in that class, regardless of who assigned the activity. Using the drop down menus in the top-right, you can quickly switch to different classes or activities.

For every student in your class, the Activity Progress Report will show you the student’s progress on an assignment, which teacher gave the assignment, and more. This is especially helpful when a student has transferred classes or when more than one teacher gives the student assignments.

Comprehensive Class Report

Zinc’s Comprehensive Class Report is our one-stop shop for most Zinc assignments. From here, click on the different tabs to see class-wide results for Close Reading Experiences (CREs), Vocabulary, Articles, and Level Placements. You can choose the date range and types of assignments you want to appear.

Each assignment tab shows the current Zinc Level for each student. The Close Reading Experiences and Article tabs also show the number of those assignments completed by each student, their average score, and the average difficulty level. The Vocabulary tab shows the number of words each student learned in context and how many were learned during one, two, or three exposures. The Level Placement tab includes the highest Zinc Level achieved by each student and a list of all Zinc Levels they’ve placed at previously. All the tabs allow you to click on the student’s name to reach their individual Student Performance Report.

In the Comprehensive Class Report, you can download or print the report for each tab. To print the important information from the page, click “Print.” You can also use the “Print” button to save the document as a PDF by selecting that option from your available printers. To receive just the data in a simple .csv spreadsheet, click on “Export.” Please note, you will only print or download the data for the current tab.

Assignments Listing

The top of the Assignments Listing report shows the number of activities completed by the class this year and the class's average Zinc Level.

Below this information, the “Assignments” tab presents a table with assignments given to the full class or students in that class. The columns show the name of the assignment, who gave the assignment, whether it was assigned to a student or class, when it was assigned, and its current progress. The Progress column will show whether an assignment hasn't been started, is currently in progress, or been finished. In the far-right column of each assignment is a link to a report with further details.

The “Students” tab shows a simple list of students in that class, their email address, the last time they signed into Zinc, and a link to their individual Student Performance Report.

Reading Skills Report

Reading Skills Reports include a listing of the reading skills your students encounter through Zinc article quizzes. These reports help you to see at a glance which skills your students have mastered and which may need reinforcement.

Zinc Tip: The easiest and most efficient way to populate this report is to assign Lift Off to your students. A single four-week session of Lift Off will fill the Reading Skills Report with helpful data.

After selecting your class under the Reading Skills Report option on the Reports page, another dropdown menu will appear. Here you can select to generate a report with either Zinc Skills or other standards established by your district.

The Reading Skills Report shows a listing of reading skills for the standards you selected. For example, Zinc Skills will bring up standards including Words in Context, Tone, Big Picture, and Point of View. Each entry in the list includes the number of questions related to that skill your students have encountered in our article quizzes. Another column displays what percentage of those questions were answered correctly.

You can click the box under “Date Range” to define the period of time you'd like to view in the report. This allows you to view how students respond to intervention or further instruction.

If you click on one of the skills, it will expand to show the names of students, how many questions with that skill the student encountered and what percentage they got right. If you click on the student’s name, it will take you to their Student Performance Report. From there, you can click their article assignments to see how they’ve answered specific quiz questions.

Zinc Tip: If your students are struggling with a specific skill, you can assign articles that include questions with that skill to your class or specific students. You can sort articles by going to the Articles page and clicking on the “Reading Skills” dropdown menu.

You can download or print the Reading Skills Report for a class. To print the important information from the page, click “Print/PDF.” You can also use the “Print” button to save the report as a PDF by selecting that option from your available printers. To receive just the data in a .csv spreadsheet, click on “Export.” If you'd like individual student details to appear in the printed report, expand that skill before clicking “Print/PDF.” All student details are included in the exported .csv spreadsheet.

Student Reports

The Student Reports section includes all of Zinc’s reports for individual students. You can see detailed information about a student and their assignments in a Student Performance Report or a student’s current and past Zinc Levels and Level Placements in their Level Placement History.

For each option under Student Reports, begin typing the name of the student below that report option. Once you have typed enough letters, you can click on a student’s name when it appears. Once you’ve clicked a student’s name, click “Generate Report” to be taken to that report page.

Performance Report

Students also have access to their own Performance reports. If your students have any questions, here is a resource to help students understand their Individual Student Report.

The individual Student Performance Report shows a wide variety of valuable information about their experience in Zinc. You will see which of your classes they are in, their current Zinc Level and when it was assessed, how many assignments they’ve completed and of which type. You may change the date range to focus on a specific time period for the student.

Each tab in the Student Performance Report shows a list of assignments given to the student or self-selected. Lift Off assignments are visible on the “Assignments” tab, while all other Zinc activities can be viewed separately by clicking the relevant tab.

The tabs for each assignment provide more detailed information. The Articles tab shows overall scores, the percentage of articles completed at the student’s Zinc Level, which genres have been completed, and how each article channel has been represented. For all relevant assignments, you can click the link in the right-hand column for a more detailed report.

You can download or print the report for each tab in the Student Performance Report. To print the important information from the page, click “Print.” You can also use the “Print” button to save the document as a PDF by selecting that option from your available printers. Please note, you will only print or download the data for the current tab.

Level Placement History

The Level Placement History provides important data concerning a student’s Zinc Level and assigned Level Placements. Their most recent Level Placement assignment will appear on the top row.

There's an "Update" option beside the student’s "Current Level.". Please note that assigning the student a different Zinc Level using this option is only for personal tracking. Auto-differentiated programs like Ignition and Lift Off will still use the Level the student earned in their most recent Level Placement.

Each row in the report represents a different Level Placement, showing who made the assignment, when the student received the assignment, their status and whether they rushed, the earned Zinc Level, when it was completed, and the source of the assignment.

If the system determines the student rushed a Level Placement, this will appear in the “Status/Rushing” column. For example, it might say, “Finished, 3/5 passages rushed.” If the system detected no rushing, this column will only show the Level Placement status as Not Assigned, Not Started, In Progress, or Finished.

Level Placements can be assigned on their own to an individual or class or part of another Zinc assignment. The “Source” column shows whether the Level Placement was assigned on it will show which type of Zinc assignment included the Level Placement.

You may download the Level Placement History for a student. To print the important information from the page, click “Print.” You can also use the “Print” button to save the report as a PDF by selecting that option from your available printers. To receive just the data in a simple .csv spreadsheet, click on “Export.”

Ready to try out Reports for yourself? If you're signed into Zinc, here's a direct link to the Reports page.

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