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What are "Zinc-ing SWYK" and "Tracking SWYK"?

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Updated over a week ago

Strong readers use all four Ignition skills all together all the time as they read. SWYKs (Show What You Know) are formative assessments allowing students to practice Zinc-ing and Tracking skills together.


Use Your Senses

Make It Real

Zinc-ing SWYK

Activate Pronouns

Navigate with Transitions and Punctuation

Tracking SWYK

Zinc-ing SWYK (Show What You Know)

Zinc-ing means turning words and phrases into images, experiences and meanings in our minds. If you or your students like reading, you probably do this naturally, but everyone benefits from practicing and deepening these habits.

After completing the Zinc-ing skills (Use Your Senses and Make It Real), students complete Zinc-ing SWYK, with questions that blend the two Zinc-ing skills together.

Preview Levels

Note: These links represent the first round of each level. If a student misses two or more questions on the initial round, they will move onto the second round before leveling up. If they miss two or more questions on the second round, they will move on to the third round. If they miss two or more questions on the third round, they will then level up.


Advanced Ignition

Tracking SWYK (Show What You Know)

Once the words are making meanings in the reader’s head, they need to get on the writer’s wavelength and stay there. These strategies show students how and get them in the habit of doing so.

After completing the Tracking skills (Activate Pronouns and Navigating with Transitions and Punctuation), students complete Tracking SWYK, with questions that blend the two Tracking skills together.

Preview Levels


Advanced Ignition

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